+263 (772) 7397 37
+263 (715) 6794 69
Mon. - Sat. 08:00 - 17:00

Custom/Progressive Web Applications

YOU ideate, WE build it for YOU

Some companies use web design and development interchangeably, but the terms describe two very different aspects of the process. Our developers use the latest programing techniques to support the design process and create an easy-to-use interface for site visitors and client website administrators.

Want Consultancy?

Online eLearning Solution

iLearn is an online web based application specifically targeted for primary, secondary schools and Universities.


Library Mgt System

iLibSYS is an online web based library system with many advanced features including cataloging etc.


Company Management System

iCMS is an online web based system targeting companies that look forward in digitising their company. The system is highly customisable to suit your needs.


Client Relationship Management

iNode CRM is a cloud based customer management system, where clients can view quotations, add your products to a cart and purchase them online. Or rather request for quotations and send in their questions.


Custom/PWAs Management

Custom/Progressive Web Apps are types of application software delivered through the web, built using common web technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is intended to work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser, including both desktop and mobile devices designed as per your needs.

Our Custom/PWAs

Tell us what you want, we come and do a FREE needs assessment for your company, gather the requirements and start developing your solution!

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